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So let me tell you a bit about this site and what it's about so you know what to expect. This site is dedicated to myself. Because I kick that much ass. There is going to be a lot of shit on here that you won't agree with. There is going to be alot of shit on here that you won't be able to understand. Hell there is probably going to be shit on here that most likely will offend you. You know what though FUCK YOU. This site is about me and my life. Don't judge me if you don't like what I stand for and how I live my life I don't give a shit. It's my life and I have to live it how it makes sense for me.

I've had a lot of shit happen to me to make me the individual I am today. I've made a lot of progress throughout my 29 years on this hell whole of a planet. I've influenced many people's lives for good or ill. I've fallen in love and had my heart ripped out and stomped on multiple times. It's made me a bitter jaded individual. This site is my outlet for everything. There is going to be some inspiring stories, cool pictures, and some really harsh shit too. This is basically my disclaimer to you all. I'm older and wiser then the last time I had this site up, and I got to warn you I'm also way more pissed off this time around too. That being said if your still interested click a link above and be ready to find out some shit about a bad ass mother fucker that isn't going to take shit from anyone anymore.